Kill la Kill (Japanese: キルラキル, Hepburn: Kiru Ra Kiru) is a Japanese anime television series created and produced by Trigger. The series follows vagrant schoolgirl Ryuko Matoi on her search for her fathers killer, which brings her into violent conflict with Satsuki Kiryuin, the iron-willed student council president of Honnouji Academy, and her mother Ragyo Kiryuins fashion empire. Ryuko, S…
Satsuki Kiryūin
Ryūko Matoi (纏 (まとい) 流 (りゅう) 子 (こ) , Matoi Ryūko?) is the main protagonist of Kill la Kill.She transferred to Honnōji Academy searching for the twin ofsuoiresnu kill la kill her red Scissor Blade and the person who used the weapon to murder。
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